The administration was established on 16/06/1441 AH under the administrative number 41/5/969. It is the entity responsible for documenting the university's relationship with media institutions and raising awareness in the community about its mission, objectives, policies, and achievements. It also works to support the relationship between the university and various governmental and non-governmental entities, in addition to responding to inquiries or criticisms directed at the university that may affect its image in society. This is done by providing external entities and publishing centers with accurate news, statistics, and verified information about the university. The administration is also responsible for the university’s media production. It manages the organization, execution, and production of various types of documentary media and oversees the university’s various media channels. The administration is composed of three divisions that work in full harmony and efficiency: the Public Relations Administration, the Communications and Media Administration, and the Institutional Reputation Administration.
The objectives of the General administration of Institutional Communication: